Friday, March 15, 2024


 King Kong’s original bellow was supposedly a mix of tiger growl and lion roar played backwards at half speed, the Rancor in Return of the Jedi was a slowed-down chihuahua, and Chewbacca was a stew of badger, bear, and walrus.

Mix together at least THREE sounds (at least one animal and one inanimate object), altering at least one (i.e. slowing it down, speeding it up, playing it backwards) to create the shriek/roar/yawp or indecipherable language of a made-up monster/species. Decide what your monster/creature looks like and try to evoke a specific picture with your final sound. Can the listener tell what your creature looks like by the noise it makes? That's the goal.

Attach your recording to a black frame and post it in the Comments section of the relevant entry on the class's FB Group page, TREE TRUNKS' ALIEN CHILDREN. (But find, too, an image that matches the sound; have it ready, but don't reveal it until the class guesses).